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The vulnerability of communicating innovation

February 12 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Anyone can learn to feel confident, and more importantly, authentic when public speaking. And what’s more it’s ‘traditional’ presentation skills and public speaking ‘tips and tricks’ that can make us worse. These are the beliefs of Liu Batchelor, our guest for our February meet up.

Liu is a verbal communication coach, TV presenter, and former TEDx curator, specialising in the communication of innovation – and the vulnerability that comes with it.

Liu describes herself as an introvert, had speech therapy as a kid, hated public speaking and used to almost faint during presentations at university – but not anymore.

She now works to help innovators and entrepreneurs understand the value of what they’ve got to say and in their unique way of saying it.

During the session, Liu will be covering:

  • Why we struggle with public speaking and communicating innovation, and why this makes us feel so vulnerable
  • Lessons from intimate interviews with TEDx speakers about their – often emotional – journeys from idea to the stage
  • Alternative, counter-intuitive approaches to public speaking, and how to be the presenter you want to be.


February 12
10:00 am - 11:00 am

